Building a brand that connects young, Buddhist adults to a new type of religious community that is not bound by location, but rather the values of culture, expression, and social justice.

Branding * Social Media Management * Squarespace

The Young Buddhist Editorial

Return to your roots in a way you never imagined.

Remote meetings are a staple at the Young Buddhist Editorial

The Young Buddhist Editorial (YBE) is “dedicated to providing a platform for the expression of young Buddhists and a safe space where such young Buddhists can foster growth, community and interconnectedness while creating a dialogue between young Buddhists and other generations of Buddhists.

Remote General Interest Meeting (2022)
Google Slides presentation designed by me

The Young Buddhist Editorial was created and nurtured by young, 20-30-year-old adults who had moved away from their home temple communities, whether for school or work.

They wanted a place to share their experiences. To connect with others who also realized that the temple communities from their childhoods were a core part of their identity today. To those who want to use the platform for change, it’s about honoring the past and paving a new future.

Social media posts (2022) via @youngbuddhisteditorial
Canva template designed by me

Canva might be controversial in the design world, but definitely not here.

As a volunteer-based organization, Adobe CC is expensive, and everyone has to be a designer sometimes. Creating branded templates, comprehensive style guides, and using a collaborative online platform was crucial to efficiency and remote working.

YBE Brand Kit for Canva (2022)
Visual brand and identity designed by me