Senior Living Residences

Designing creative solutions for digital and print material requested by the 18 communities managed by Senior Living Residences

Role Type
Internship Freelance Designer

05/2023 to Present

Software Skills
Wordpress, Google Slides, Adobe CC, Business Social Media

Poster Design

Designing a request for one community meant creating something that could be used again for years to come and shared with any of the other 18 communities. When the communities requested promotional material for a special event, I digitally illustrated and constructed the posters using Adobe Illustrator and Google Slides.

View Additional Posters Here

Presentation Design

Redesigned and implemented a refreshed presentation template for the company’s training modules. My objective was to design a more engaging way for employees to visualize the information while maintaining a refined, corporate look and feel. All designs were created within Google Slides.

Additional Work Samples